Zhihong Wang's CS1430 Portfolio

Education costs money. But then so does ignorance.

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Throughout this course, I have learned the fundamental concepts of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), and JavaScript.
HTML serves as a markup language that structures document content using tags, their attributes, and related values. It arranges plain text in an organized manner and groups them together based on specific tags, forming the backbone of the web pages.
CSS, on the other hand, is a style sheet used for the decoration of web pages. It is a cascading file, which the latter code can override the former, making the order of styles important.
JavaScript, a script language, enhances web pages with additional dynamic functions. Its logic tends to be like real programming languages, featuring variables, data types, loops, conditions, functions, and more.
Additionally, every study module includes practical assignments, providing hands-on experience that helps me understand the concepts better. Through these practices, I have independently built several projects, starting from plain HTML to dynamic websites, and I have also utilized Bootstrap – a CSS and JavaScript based framework that efficiently reduces the development time spent on styling.
From my practical experiences, I now possess a deeper understanding of website frontend and how its components are interdependent. Moreover, through the process of practicing, I have gained a thorough knowledge of various details, which can serve as valuable experiences for my future projects and be showcased in my portfolio.

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